WhatsApp is a social messaging service for mobile devices that allows you to send text messages, images, audio and video clips to communicate with those people who are in your phone's contact list.
Marketing with WhatsApp can be an effective way to connect with your potential customers and promote your business. Local businesses can use WhatsApp as a communication tool to hook up users in real-time.
Facebook allows you to connect with your potential audience, and WhatsApp takes this connection to a next level. WhatsApp provides various features, which can be used effectively for promoting small businesses. These features are enlisted and explained briefly as follows:
Marketing with WhatsApp can be an effective way to connect with your potential customers and promote your business. Local businesses can use WhatsApp as a communication tool to hook up users in real-time.
Facebook allows you to connect with your potential audience, and WhatsApp takes this connection to a next level. WhatsApp provides various features, which can be used effectively for promoting small businesses. These features are enlisted and explained briefly as follows: