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Showing posts from January 1, 2023

What is the best vegetable? (Vegetable Series)

  What is the best vegetable? Vegetables are full of nutrients: vitamins, fiber and minerals. Just by adding a few to your diet, you can improve your overall health! Here are the top 5 vegetables you can eat daily for a healthy lifestyle: 1)   Onions -         Onions contain sulfur compounds that have been linked to cancer prevention. They contain vitamin C, B-6 and manganese. Certain compounds in onions have been linked to a reduction in stomach and prostate cancer. 2)   Peppers -       Did you know that peppers contain more vitamin C than an orange? They also contain vitamin B-6, folate and beta-carotene. There are antioxidants in peppers that help protect your eyesight. 3)   Beet -              Raw beets on wooden surface Beetroot can improve heart health. This anti-inflammatory and antioxidant vegetable can have positive effects on blood pressure and oxidative str...