I’ll show you the exact steps and specific directions
to help you be more successful with women and dating—and
you don't have to be rich or handsome to do it...
Dear Friend,
Recently I was out with some friends at a local club. I looked over and saw a very attractive woman. I decided that I'd like to meet her and get her number so I could get a date with her later.
I walked over and said a few words to her. Within about 3 minutes she was writing her name and phone number down for me. Keep in mind, this was at a popular club where she was being hit on all night. And I was the one who got her number.
Other guys buy drinks, dance, and try for hours— and usually wind up with nothing in these types of situations. But I was able to talk to her and get her number almost instantly.
The question is: What did I say to her? How did I do it?
If you would have asked me if this was even possible a few years ago, I would have said "No way." But now I do it ALL THE TIME.
It's not uncommon for me to go out for an afternoon or evening and come home with 3 or 4 phone numbers from attractive, interesting women.
And it doesn't matter where I am. I can go shopping at a mall, out to a nightclub, or even shopping at the super market, and still meet one woman after another. As a matter of fact, my techniques work EVEN BETTER in coffee shops and other 'normal' places.
I have to mention one more thing: I'm a regular guy. I'm 33 years old, I'm only 5'10" tall (short?), and I'm not athletic. I'm a mixture of nationalities, but most people think that I'm Middle Eastern when they first meet me—and I've never been the kind of guy that women approach or ask out.
So how did I go from not even being able to TALK to women to now being able to get phone numbers in 3 minutes and as many dates as I want?
Unfortunately, Most Men Will Never
Have This Kind Of SuccessWith Women
I know that you want to be more successful with women. Every guy does. But what do most guys do about it?
They sit back and take whatever they can get—which is usually nothing. Sure, once in awhile most guys have a little luck and meet a girl that will go out with them. But this usually doesn't happen very often.
And just about every guy I've ever talked to would like to have more skills and success when it comes to women. But here's the interesting part: Most guys won't go out and learn how to be successful with women. They just won't do it.
It's as if they had someone say to them when they were young: "You're a loser if you have to learn how to meet women" or "If you're not just acting natural and being yourself then there's something wrong with you."
Well I'm here to tell you that these ideas are B.S.!
You weren't born knowing other skills like how to walk, how to speak English, or how to drive a car. These are basic skills that you LEARNED when you needed them. Success with women is just another skill, and any man can learn it if he wants to.
One night a few years ago, I got sick and tired of not knowing how to meet women. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I couldn't stand the idea that I was going to spend the rest of my life not knowing how to date the kind of women that I wanted.
I went on a personal mission, and spent years reading and studying all of the books, tapes, and seminars on how to be successful with women and relationships. But the frustrating part was that most of what I learned was WRONG—most of it simply didn't work when I tried it!
Have you ever looked at some of the 'relationship' books like “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus?” Those books would be great—EXCEPT THAT THEY DON'T TELL YOU HOW TO MEET WOMEN!
All most books talk about is what to do after you're already dating a woman. They don't tell you ANYTHING about how to meet and attract women. These books only work if you've already got a girlfriend - they do almost nothing to teach you HOW TO GET ONE IN THE FIRST PLACE! And the books that do teach you how to meet women are mostly old, outdated, or just plain bizarre.
Even worse, there are books out there like "The Rules" that teach women exactly how to manipulate men in order to get them to buy women expensive gifts and marry them by playing mind games.
The sad truth is that most men give up and never have the kind of success that they want with women—they give up and settle for a woman that isn't what they REALLY want—or worse—they settle for no women at all.