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The following pictures are photos taken of the Columbia (SPACE Shuttle) explosion from an Israeli satellite in space . You remember??? we lost a great Indian wom an in that .....KALPNA CHAWLA .... really that was very sad.....have a look upon these They are sequential pictures of the Shuttle Explosion, taken from an Israeli Satellite in space. They were taken.... obviously,just as the Shuttle began to explode over the Earth

The Columbia (SPACE Shuttle) explosion


10 Advantages Of Using Digital Photography

Digital cameras are everywhere. Store shelves are lined with them, and Sunday newspaper circulars are filled with advertisements for them. But why buy one? Well of course if you are perfectly and completely happy taking pictures with your film camera, then don't buy a digital camera. But remember, you have to finish the whole roll, bring the film to the processor, and wait for the prints to come back, just to find out everyone in the "once-in-a-lifetime picture" had their eyes closed. Let's also not forget that you have to pay for the processing and buy film. Oh, by the way, you had better buy a few extra rolls, some for indoors and some for outdoors.So what are the advantages of digital? 1 . No more film! That's right, you'll never need to buy film again. Using a digital camera means that you can take pictures without paying for film or wondering which type of film to buy. 2 . If you are careful with your storage, you will also never run out of film. The PCMC...

Things About Modern Photography

After the invention of the camera and the growth in popularity of photography, it is only natural that mass production as well as dissemination of photo prints will follow. Becaue of photography, personal as well as public history, time, and the perception of man himself has notably changed. The idea of privacy became altered as more and more well known public figures and that of the common man were recorded. Photographs became the unchallenged proof of any experience, event, and even a state of being. Photography As An Art Certifying photography as an art form was a hard thing to undertake during its early stages. It was challenged by artists as well as critics and focused on both the chemical and mechanical facets of photography. They considered photography as a craft and nothing more. Taking Away The Restrictions When musuems and art schools finally opened up themselves to photography, the resulting trend was carried up to the present. Photographers began to set themselves fre...

Knowing The Photographer's Best Friend

One hobby that will never go out of date is photography. It's simply because it captures moments that the human mind can't store vividly for long. It immortalizes scenes that are otherwise easily forgotten. If one wishes to indulge himself in this kind of past time or even as a profession, it will be indispensable to acknowledge the help of not only the technical know-hows of photography but also the elements and accessories of the device that makes things happen -- the camera. There three elements in a camera: 1. The Optical Elment Or The Lens 2. The Chemical Element Or The Film 3. The Mechanical Element Or The Body Of The Camera It is the calibration of these elements that makes the recording of the images possible. From the analog cameras, technology brought about its modern counterparts the digicams or digital cameras. With more advance features and a wide array of accessories, they make the hobby more accessible even to the most novice. The difference between a digi...